Instructions to Contributors

Chemical Journal on Internet (CJI)   co-sponsored by the Department of Chemical Science of National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (NSFC), Department of Chemistry of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Molecular Diversity Preservation International in 1999, is an academic web magazine in the field of chemical science.

CJI uses English as its major language and Internet as its medium. It’s ISSN is 1523-1623. A CD-ROM will be issued each year.
This web magazine will publish papers on the latest achievements and breakthroughs in both fundamental research and applied research of chemical sciences both in China and abroad. The research work should be of advanced level, creative and significant. CJI’s editorial board consists of internationally renowned chemists. Its major website is in the U.S.:; its mirror site is in China:

Categories of Papers
Research paper: Comprehensive introduction of achievements in a research project. Articles should not have been published before and their submission should be on an exclusive basis. Complete sets of data and figures and clear-cut conclusions should be given in the paper with a length of no more than 6,000 words.
Research bulletin: Fast and concise report on preliminary achievements of a research project or its main conclusions. Main data and terse conclusions should be given in no more than 3,000 words.
Review: Introduction to the latest research progress, within the length of 8,000 words.

Preparation of articles
The authors should present their views clearly, provide reliable data of research work, and use concise language. All articles should be submitted in three printed copies (the authors should keep their manuscript themselves) and the use of Microsoft Word in printing is highly recommended. Papers in HTML are even more welcomed. Whether the Chinese language or the English language is used in the main text of the papers, the titles, names of the authors and the work units to which they belong, key words (3-5 words) and abstract (within 300 words) should be presented bilingually.

    All articles will be peer reviewed and then reviewed by the editorial board. Authors will receive copies of their proposals for improvement. Two copies of the final version improved by the authors should be sent to the editorial office and at the same time via E-mail with their electronic file of the research papers as attachment, or mailed in floppy disks. Acceptance or rejection of the improved versions will be decided by the standing editorial board after its final review.

    The time span of publication range from 30 to 300 days, but no more than 365 days. However, it can be reduced to zero, if the research work is of the type of just waiting for the final results and pre-reviewed by the standing editorial board.
All articles should be submitted in neat, clear and accurate form. Attention should be paid to capitalization or lower case of characters and symbols. ISO31 or its Chinese equivalent GB3102 for measure and weight units should be applied. Titles and sub-titles of text should be in accordance with the format set in the “Call for Articles” of this magazine. Only indispensible graphs and diagrams are to be presented, and tables should be in three-line format. No more than six graphs are allowed in an article, either in color or in black and white, and they should be best scanned or drawn using Windows-related software, or drawn on drawing paper with clear lines and good contrast. Words and symbol in the graphs should be precise and accord with the text. Pictures should be of appropriate contrast and clear shades. Titles should be in size 3 bold type and sub-titles in 5-size bold type, others should be in 5-size Song type (Times). English words should be typed accordingly. Supplementary motion images and voice files with a size of no more than 1024K can be acceptable.

    Only the most important references should be listed, and unpublished information should not be cited in articles. References should be numbered sequentially, and in conformity with the following format:

    Book: [Number] Author(s). Title. Time of Publication. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year.
Periodicals: [Number] Author(s) (Surname first, followed by names; Only first three authors should be listed, followed by “et al.”). Name of Periodical, Year, Volume (Issue): Page.

Authors should make sure that they have the legal copyright and that all original data are correct and reliable. The editorial office will not bear any related responsibility that may arise from disputes over copyright. Authors should offer names of their working units, mailing addresses, postal codes, telephone numbers as well as E-mail addresses. All papers, after being published, will be indexed in a special issue of printed edition of the Chemistry Magazine.

    The CJI editorial office has the copyright of all the articles published. During submission, authors transfer the electronic copyright of their articles but still retain the print copyright. Therefore, if an article is published again on a printed magazine, a sentence that “This article was first published electronically on the Chemical Journal on Internet: of publication/file name” should be attached, and at the same time, the author should make clear that the printed magazine’s electronic affiliation can only carry abstract of the article, not the whole article itself.